Crypto Academy

Top 10 Books to Read for Crypto Trading

The topic of cryptocurrencies and blockchain has become part of today’s mainstream media, and its popularity isn’t expected to stop anytime soon. Bitcoin is no longer just a word that you hear off the street, in fact, it’s only in its initial stages of playing one of the biggest roles in the future of global finance and technology.

Cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin and Ethereum have made their place in the world as a global financial powerhouse. They’re being used as a store of value and means of payment across a number of countries, and that number is only growing. In this article, we’re going to touch on the topic of the most traditional method of learning; books. Here are some of the best books on cryptocurrencies, how they are traded, and different ways of investing in crypto.

1. Cryptocurrency Trading & Investing: Beginners Guide to Trading & Investing in Bitcoin, Altcoins, & ICOs by Aimee Vo

Top 10 Books to Read for Crypto TradingLet’s start off with the basics. Cryptocurrency Trading & Investing is a beginner’s book into the world of crypto authored by Aimee Vo. Vo was a former UBS financial adviser who spent seven years as an equities trader before beginning her journey into the crypto market.

This book is ideal for those novices who are eager to learn more about the basics of blockchain and crypto, how they work, and how they came to be one of the world’s leading innovative assets.

It touches on a wide variety of aspects and levels of knowledge, from instruction on how to set up a trading account and wallet, to methods on seeking the best coins to invest into. It gets a bit deeper toward the end and covers more advanced topics like crypto trading, including margin trading and technical analyses.

2. Blockchain Basics: A Non-Technical Introduction in 25 Steps by Daniel Drescher

Blockchain Basics is another strong beginner’s book for those seeking to get a good inside introductory scoop into the realm of blockchain technology, in just 25 steps! The book is a very easy read, avoiding very technical descriptions, making it an attractive choice for non-tech-savvy people to learn more about how cryptocurrencies really work. With that said, without using any industry-specific jargon, this easy book, separated into 25 phases, walks you through each and every aspect of blockchain technology.

Unlike most crypto books, this one doesn’t dive deep into mathematical formulas and algorithms which would otherwise make it a tough read for someone new on the topic. One of the best parts about this particular book by Daniel Drescher is that he incorporates a number of common analogies and pictures to convey the topics in a way that is both intuitive and engaging for the reader.

3. CryptoAssets: The Innovative Investor’s Guide to Bitcoin and Beyond by Chris Brniske and Jack Tatar

The next top read on the list is CryptoAssets, one of the most famous crypto books to date, by Chris Burniske and Jack Tatar. In this book, the authors dwell on how investors can make the most out of their investment opportunities all thanks to the growth of Bitcoin and blockchain technology. Besides Bitcoin, there are over 800 other altcoins that have the potential to reach BTC heights, such as Litecoin, Ripple, Cardano, and Ethereum. This book is interesting for those wanting to discover what’s beyond Bitcoin.

This easy read from two industry insiders will walk you through the new world of blockchain as we know it and provide insight on how to invest in these new assets to ensure your financial future. This top crypto trading book will provide you a thorough overview of the crypto asset system as well as where your opportunities lie in terms of potential investments.

4. Digital Gold by Nathaniel Popper

Digital Gold by Nathaniel Popper is another must-read on the long list of books for crypto trading. This particular one pulls off an interesting narrative of Bitcoin technology and its meteoric ascent on the global stage as a digital currency system all thanks to a few notable figures.

If you want to learn about the history of Bitcoin technology, this is the book for you. It dives deep into the development of Bitcoin since its early stages back in 2009. Given that the author was a former reporter for the New York Times, Popper’s method of writing is concise and easy to capture for all levels of readers.

5. An Altcoin Trader’s Handbook by Nik Patel

Nik Patel is the author of An Altcoin Trader’s Handbook, a fantastic book for learning about the basics of trading and making profitable moves with your crypto investments. Patel has been a full-time crypto trader and investor since 2013 and is a large figure in the crypto scene.

This book not only explains the method toward seeking profitable trades and price movements, but it even covers theoretical topics such as risk and portfolio management. This book comes straight out of Patel’s personal trading experiences, which gives the reader a first-hand look into the real-world trading environment. A certain portion of the book is even dedicated to security, where he teaches young investors how to keep their digital assets safe and secure.


6. Attack of the 50 Foot Blockchain: Bitcoin, Blockchain, Ethereum, & Smart Contracts by David Gerard

Blockchain technology is obviously gaining some great traction, however, in order for it to have gotten to where it is today and where it’s headed, it had to go through a long and tough history. This book touches on some of the biggest milestones and obstacles that blockchain has climbed in order for it to make it onto the world stage.

The history and debut of Bitcoin, the crypto bull run at the turn of 2017 and 2018, and the rise of initial coin offerings (ICOs) are some of the many topics that David Gerard covers in the Attack of the 50 Foot Blockchain. Gerard also makes use of Ethereum’s smart contracts as an example to illustrate how fundamental technology can be used practically in almost any business.

7. The Book of Satoshi by Phil Champagne

Anyone who knows anything about crypto will know of Satoshi Nakamoto. Phil Champagne delves into the enigma surrounding Nakamoto, the Bitcoin developer. Champagne talks about who the mysterious Nakamoto is, whether they are a single individual or a collective, and how they were able to build Bitcoin while maintaining a fully anonymous name.

The book even goes far enough to provide actual emails and online posts by Nakamoto. While the book is explained very simply, it gives access to some very crucial and detailed information, such as a copy of Nakamoto’s initial white paper, which kicked off the Bitcoin revolution.

8. Charting and Technical Analysis by Fred McAllen

Two of the most important skillsets for effective crypto trading in knowledge and comprehension of price and market fluctuations. All of this is done through technical analysis. Fred McAllen dives deep into the science behind price charts in Charting and Technical Analysis, all gathered from his 25 years of trading expertise.

This knowledge-filled book puts a focus on gaining a better knowledge of who exactly the market players are and why they purchase or sell at specific times. This particular author takes the effort into discussing deep strategies of providing in-depth market information via price charts rather than going for the basic “buy cheap and sell high” notion.

9. The Basics of Bitcoins and Blockchains by Antony Lewis

The Basics of Bitcoins and Blockchains was authored by Antony Lewis almost a decade after Bitcoin’s inception. It’s one of the few books that unquestionably explains all the fundamentals of Bitcoin and the blockchain technology that powers it. More specifically, Lewis describes how to buy, sell, and mine Bitcoin along with an in-depth history of Bitcoin and its technology.

In addition to that, it also covers how Blockchain technology aids in the safe processing of global payments. To put it simply, the book explains what Bitcoin and Blockchain are, how they function, and why they have become so significant in the new digital era. The Basics of Bitcoins and Blockchains belongs on the to-read list of everyone and anyone interested in investing in any cryptocurrency.

10. How to Day Trade for a Living by Andrew Aziz

Last but not least, the essential concepts of day trading are explained in How to Day Trade for a Living by Andrew Aziz. Aziz delves into the fundamental trading tactics that many traders employ strategically on a daily basis. The author notes that trading is neither gambling nor a pastime and they should be approached with extreme consciousness. 

On top of that, Aziz also talks about other types of trading and investing approaches in his book. He emphasizes the need to mentally preparing yourself before choosing to make a deal. In order to do so, you’ll need adequate hard work, tools, and endurance to become successful at day trading.

Once you’ve gotten through this list of books, you’ll be able to fully understand the fundamentals of crypto trading and investing. More specifically, you will learn to trade any market in any circumstance, not just crypto, if you read the above ten books. Once you get through these, you’ll be able to design your own effective method of trading and become an expert trader with only some practice.



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