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ELON Price Prediction – Will Dogelon Mars Hit $1 Dollar?

ELON Price Prediction - Will Dogelon Mars Hit $1 Dollar?

Following the Bitcoin halving event in 2020, the cryptocurrency market skyrocketed. This event is known to initiate a bullish market every four years, however, this year things were a bit different. The bull runs that the cryptocurrency market experienced this time were quite literally out of this world. During early 2021, there were tokens that experienced increases that were never seen before. For example, we had Safemoon which experienced price growth of more than 2,000,000% in just a month. 

Later in 2021, we saw tokens and coins enter yet another bull run. Although this bull run is just getting started, tokens like Shiba Inu have already gone through 1000% increases. That being said, this market is still under implementation and has yet to gain mass adoption.

We are very bullish on the future of the crypto market as a whole, including meme-coins. One of the meme-coins that we think is likely to blow up soon is Dogelon Mars. This ERC-20 token has been around for only some months and has already done wonders for many. Dogelon Mars entered the market with a price of $0.0000000078 and reached $0.0000024 in just a few months. This left early investors with more than 32,000% in profits.

The recent price movements of Dogelon Mars indicate that this token may follow the path that Shiba Inu took and reach Mars. Although Shiba Inu’s growth was aided by the listings it got in Coinbase and other exchanges, Dogelon Mars might experience at least a quarter of what Shiba Inu experienced without the need for different listings.

Conclusion: Will Dogelon Mars Hit $1 Dollar?

Until today, Dogelon Mars has “eaten up” five zeros. This means the token has experienced a 1000x throughout 2021. To reach $1 dollar, Dogelon Mars has to experience a 1000000x. This makes it technically impossible. Nevertheless, there are other ways to reach $1 dollar per token. 

Dogelon Mars has an enormous supply of more than 500 trillion tokens. In order to reach such a price, Dogelon Mars’ supply has to be lowered greatly. This can be done through manual burns, or by rewriting the token’s contract. Similar to what Safemoon or Elrond did, Dogelon Mars can rewrite their contract and tweak the tokens tokenomics. For instance, the old Elrond was swapped for the new Elrond at a rate of 1000:1 respectively. The same can be done for Dogelon Mars.

These ways have proven to be successful in the past, so maybe they might be successful once again. If these or other changes occur to this token, it is possible for Dogelon Mars to hit $1 dollar sometime in the foreseeable future. Nevertheless, we must note that reaching $1 dollar with Dogelon Mars’ current supply is virtually impossible.

Also Read: Dogelon Mars (ELON) Price Prediction 2022 and Beyond – Can ELON Eventually Hit $1?



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