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The Growing Need for NFT Security Solutions

The Growing Need for NFT Security Solutions

Ensuring NFT security requires decentralized storage, legal clarity, diverse platform use, and diligent wallet security practices.

NFT security risks are on the rise, with hackers and cybercriminals finding new ways to exploit vulnerabilities in the digital asset ecosystem. This has led to an increasing demand for decentralized storage solutions, which can provide a safer and more reliable means of preserving digital art and collectibles. Decentralized storage solutions like IPFS, Arweave, Filecoin, and Akord are becoming increasingly popular among NFT collectors, artists, and marketplaces, as they offer an added layer of security and protection against data loss, hacks, and centralized platform shutdowns.

The OpenSea Insider Trading Case Unveiled

In a first-of-its-kind insider trading case involving non-fungible tokens (NFTs), the former product manager of OpenSea, Nathaniel Chastain, found himself in legal hot water. His role at OpenSea allowed him to decide which NFTs would feature on the platform’s homepage. Given the influence of the platform, the chosen NFTs usually appreciated in value.

Chastain seized this opportunity to buy NFTs that were due to be featured, and then sold them post-exposure for a higher price. While the prosecution accused him of making nearly $57,000 in profit from this strategy, Chastain contested the charges. He claimed that the information about the landing page NFTs was not confidential business information.

However, his use of two anonymous wallets for trading suggested an awareness of wrongdoing. Following an internal ban on insider trading at OpenSea in 2021, Chastain resigned and was later arrested in June 2022. If convicted, he could face up to 20 years in prison.

Challenging the Legal Classification of NFTs

The legal landscape surrounding NFTs added a layer of complexity to Chastain’s case. Since NFTs are not legally classified as securities, he was charged with wire fraud instead of securities fraud.

Chastain’s defense team contended that extending wire fraud laws could result in an increase in criminal cases involving the misuse of confidential business information. This could potentially amplify employer-employee disputes. Over 300 defense attorneys supported Chastain’s stance, voicing concerns that such legislation could over-criminalize behavior.

Despite the disagreement with the jury’s verdict, the case underscored the need for clarifying NFT’s legal status and enhancing security measures.

NFT Security: A Community Effort

The OpenSea case highlighted the need for a proactive approach to NFT security. While the NFT community is known for supporting each other in pursuit of opportunities and wealth, it’s equally critical to guard against scams and fraud. This sentiment led to the idea of crowdsourcing security in Web3, a concept where members of the community collaborate to maintain blockchain safety.

Alex Atallah, OpenSea’s Co-Founder and CTO, championed this concept. He introduced the NFT Security Group in January 2022, which included 18 leading crypto-NFT companies like Adobe, Coinbase, and MetaMask. This group functions like a neighborhood watch for the blockchain, with members sharing yet-to-be-public vulnerabilities to bolster NFT security.

Emerging Web3 Security Tools and Services

Despite limited public information regarding the effectiveness of the NFT Security Group, this initiative has inspired other projects to enhance the safety of the NFT space. NotCommon and SafeSoul have emerged, offering unique solutions to ensure community protection.

NotCommon provides real-time alerts about security threats across multiple blockchain platforms. By linking their wallets to the service, users receive updates about threats specific to their NFTs, tokens, and the projects they follow.

SafeSoul offers a free browser extension that identifies potential NFT scams on popular platforms, including Twitter, Google, and YouTube. It adopts a community-driven approach where users, verified through a SafeSoul token tied to their wallets, can flag potentially harmful content.

Looking Ahead: The Future of NFT Security

These efforts mark significant progress, but there remains a considerable journey towards comprehensive NFT security. As the NFT market continues to expand, it necessitates more robust and effective security measures.

Given that even the world’s most trusted financial platforms and social media companies struggle with cybersecurity, it’s clear that securing the rapidly evolving blockchain ecosystem will be an ongoing challenge. This challenge becomes even more pressing as NFTs transition from a niche interest to a mainstream market phenomenon.

Collaborative Security Measures: The New Norm?

The establishment of the NFT Security Group, and the services provided by NotCommon and SafeSoul, demonstrate a collective and collaborative response to the security challenges that the NFT community faces. This community-driven approach, where everyone takes responsibility for the group’s safety, could set a new precedent for security practices in the digital asset space.

The active participation of community members in identifying and flagging potential security threats is vital for the success of this collective approach. Therefore, with incentives to act in the best interest of the group, users can play a significant role in safeguarding the NFT space.

Decentralized Storage Solutions for NFT Security

IPFS (InterPlanetary File System)

IPFS is a peer-to-peer protocol designed to make the web faster, safer, and more open. It aims to replace the traditional centralized client-server model with a distributed network of nodes, allowing users to store and share data without relying on a single point of failure. However, IPFS requires users to “pin” their data to ensure its persistence, which can be both time-consuming and technically challenging for the average user.


Arweave is another decentralized storage solution that offers a “pay once, store forever” model, where users pay a one-time fee for permanent storage of their data. It uses a unique approach called “blockweave” to ensure data permanence and security, but like IPFS, users have no direct control over the safety of their stored data. If the data is lost on Arweave, it cannot be reuploaded to the same transaction ID, and the link will be permanently broken.


Akord is a user-friendly protocol for secure storage and publishing on Arweave. It allows users to easily create vaults and public or private folders for file storage, with an initial 500MB worth of free data. Akord uses manifests to map user-friendly names to files and contents within a user’s vault, making it easier to manage and organize stored data. However, it shares the same potential risks as Arweave when it comes to data loss.


Filecoin is a cryptocurrency that incentivizes a global network of computer operators to provide a decentralized file-sharing and storage service. It operates on top of IPFS and offers a revenue-generating model for miners, unlike IPFS itself. Filecoin can support up to 20 exabytes of storage capacity and offers a decentralized solution for securing files. 

However, it also requires users to trust the network and its operators to maintain the security and availability of their data.

The Importance of Data Backups and Redundancy

Given the potential risks and vulnerabilities associated with NFT storage, it’s crucial for collectors, artists, and marketplaces to implement comprehensive backup and redundancy strategies. This can include utilizing multiple decentralized storage solutions, creating local backups, and regularly monitoring and updating the security measures in place.

One option for ensuring data redundancy and backups is ClubNFT, a company that offers leading tools to protect the longevity of NFTs stored on IPFS. Since launching its backup tool, ClubNFT has backed up thousands of collections and millions of IPFS files, helping to safeguard digital assets in the event of marketplace shutdowns or data loss. ClubNFT also offers a free analysis tool to help collectors identify where their NFTs are stored and create backups for IPFS NFTs.

Diversifying NFT Storage Solutions

In addition to using multiple decentralized storage solutions, collectors and artists should also consider diversifying their NFT storage across different blockchains and platforms. This can help to mitigate the risks associated with relying on a single storage solution or marketplace, and ensure that valuable digital assets are protected from potential vulnerabilities or failures.

One example of a multi-chain NFT platform is Enjin, which supports Ethereum, Binance Smart Chain, and Efinity, their own dedicated NFT blockchain. By diversifying storage across multiple platforms and blockchains, NFT owners can mitigate the risk of losing their assets due to a single point of failure.

Legal Considerations and the Need for Clear Ownership Rights

As NFTs become more popular, the need for clear ownership rights and legal protections is becoming increasingly important. Intellectual property (IP) rights, copyright, and licensing are all critical aspects to consider when buying, selling, or creating NFTs. Therefore, ensuring that the proper legal framework is in place can help protect artists and collectors from potential disputes, fraud, and theft.

NFT creators and marketplaces should have clear terms and conditions outlining the ownership rights associated with the NFTs being sold. This can help prevent misunderstandings and ensure that buyers understand the extent of their rights when purchasing a digital asset. Additionally, collectors should familiarize themselves with the specific IP and copyright terms associated with the NFTs they purchase to avoid potential legal issues.

Safeguarding Your NFT Wallet and Private Keys

Securing your NFT wallet and private keys is another essential aspect of protecting your digital assets. Wallets like MetaMask, Trust Wallet, and Ledger are popular choices for storing NFTs and cryptocurrencies. To maintain optimal security, it’s crucial to follow best practices when storing and managing your private keys.

Final Thoughts

As NFTs continue to grow in popularity, it’s essential for collectors, artists, and marketplaces to be proactive about security and data protection. Moreover, by utilizing decentralized storage solutions, implementing comprehensive backup and redundancy strategies, diversifying storage across multiple platforms and blockchains, understanding legal considerations, and safeguarding wallet security, NFT enthusiasts can help protect their valuable digital assets from potential risks and vulnerabilities.

By staying informed about the latest security risks and best practices, the NFT community can continue to thrive and support the development of innovative digital art and collectibles while ensuring the longevity and security of these unique assets for years to come.

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