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Minecraft Accepts Worldcoin Integration

Minecraft Accepts Worldcoin Integration

Minecraft accepts Worldcoin integration for player verification, aligning with its policies against direct cryptocurrency and NFT usage.

Recently, ‘Minecraft’, a globally recognized gaming phenomenon, has made a notable exception in its blockchain policy by permitting Worldcoin’s integration. This move is particularly intriguing given the game’s historical resistance to incorporating cryptocurrency and NFT elements. The game’s developers, Mojang, alongside publisher Microsoft, have previously enforced a strict policy prohibiting the use of cryptocurrencies and NFTs within the game, including on fan-operated servers.

Worldcoin, known for its unique “Orb” technology that scans retinas to generate a distinct IrisCode tracked on its blockchain, uses this technology to create a World ID. This ID serves as a proof of identity and is central to the Worldcoin ecosystem, which includes the distribution of WLD crypto tokens. This integration with Minecraft, however, centers around using the World ID for player verification within the game.

The World ID mechanism allows Minecraft server operators to require players to authenticate themselves, enhancing the gaming experience by reducing the presence of bots and “griefing”. This application of Worldcoin’s technology aligns with Minecraft’s dedication to maintaining a safe, inclusive gaming environment, as it doesn’t directly involve the use of cryptocurrency or tokens within the game.

Minecraft’s Blockchain Policy

Minecraft’s stance against NFTs and cryptocurrency integration has been clear since 2022, with the company prohibiting the use of blockchain technologies to create NFTs or reward players with cryptocurrency. The rationale behind this decision was to preserve the integrity of the game and prevent the creation of scarcity or exclusivity based on external factors.

The updated end-user license agreement (EULA) of Minecraft specifically outlines the prohibition of play-to-earn features that reward players with cryptocurrency and bans NFTs that could create exclusivity around in-game items. The focus is on preventing mods that alter the gaming experience or create in-game content scarcity based on external conditions, such as ownership of NFTs.

In contrast, Worldcoin’s integration is purely centered on the use of World ID credentials for enhancing player verification, aligning with Minecraft’s guidelines as outlined in the EULA. This distinction is crucial in understanding why Minecraft has deemed Worldcoin’s integration acceptable. A representative from Minecraft emphasized that while the company had no direct involvement in the Worldcoin initiative, any integration that adheres to the guidelines set out in the EULA is likely acceptable.

It is important to note the separation between Worldcoin’s technology and its token. The WLD token is distinct from the World ID credential, and in some regions, including the United States, access to the token is not available. This separation is a key factor in Worldcoin’s ability to align with Minecraft’s regulations regarding blockchain integrations.

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