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Nigeria Clears Binance Executives of Tax Charges

Nigeria Clears Binance Executives of Tax Charges

Nigeria’s Federal Inland Revenue Service (FIRS) has decided to withdraw its tax charges against Binance executives Tigran Gambaryan and Nadeem Anjarwalla. A family representative shared this update through an email statement on Friday.

According to the statement, the FIRS has opted to revise the charges, now targeting only Binance through its local representative, thereby exonerating Gambaryan and Anjarwalla from any tax-related court appearances. This shift highlights that neither Gambaryan nor Anjarwalla hold decision-making authority within Binance and questions the legitimacy of their initial detention and charges.

FIRS Adjusts Focus to Binance as Sole Defendant

The FIRS has adjusted its charges so that Binance, through its local representative, is now the only entity named in the case. This legal adjustment effectively removes all tax-related accusations from Gambaryan and Anjarwalla, positioning Binance as the primary defendant. The revised charges reflect a recognition that Gambaryan and Anjarwalla are not decision-makers at Binance and thus should not have been detained or charged initially.

Despite the tax charges being dropped, Gambaryan and Anjarwalla remain implicated in a separate money laundering case initiated by the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC), Nigeria’s anti-corruption body. Gambaryan continues to be held in custody, despite serious health concerns.

Health Concerns and Call for U.S. Intervention

Gambaryan, who leads Binance’s financial crimes and compliance division, has experienced worsening health, suspected to be malaria, following his collapse in court on May 23. A court has since ordered his transfer to a hospital for improved medical care, yet he remains in custody.

In response to his deteriorating condition, a group of former U.S. federal prosecutors and agents has appealed to the U.S. Department of State, urging them to assist in Gambaryan’s release. In their June 6 letter, these ex-officials criticized the current U.S. government efforts as inadequate.

The arrest of Tigran Gambaryan and Nadeem Anjarwalla in February marked a significant moment in Nigeria’s ongoing crackdown on cryptocurrency platforms. The executives were detained while in Nigeria to discuss regulatory issues on behalf of Binance. They were held in a government facility without their passports following these negotiations. While Gambaryan awaits trial, Anjarwalla, who had initially escaped custody, was extradited back to Nigeria from Kenya.

Binance has persistently argued that Gambaryan lacks decision-making authority within the company and has highlighted his health issues in their plea for his release. Despite these efforts, the legal battle continues, with Gambaryan still facing charges related to money laundering and experiencing significant health challenges.

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