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Manchester United Accused Of Copying Their NFT Collection

Manchester United Accused Of Copying Their NFT Collection

On December 28, NFT artist Lucréce tweeted that he was in discussions with Arthur Breitman, co-founder of Tezos, to ask Manchester United why their new NFT line incorporates his designs and styles.

The collection of Lucréce is substantially more expensive and older than that of United, with an average NFT price of about 21 ETH ($24,919). On the other hand, the Red Devils’ 7,777 NFTs sold for approximately $40 and were quickly out of stock.

Lucréce’s NFT collection, Source: OpenSea

The similarities between Lucréce’s artwork and that of Manchester United are so striking that some online community members have questioned whether the artist was involved in the Manchester United project. Lucréce is hoping to reach a mutually beneficial agreement with the Red Devils.

Although the artist took care to avoid accusing Manchester United specifically of stealing his work, he posted a picture on Twitter comparing the two pieces of art so that readers may make their own judgments.

A Copy Of Lucréce? 

Comparing the two NFTs, user ClownVamp noted that Lucréce’s was “one of Tezos’ most popular and oldest collections.”

The Manchester United NFT Collection

According to the terms and conditions of the United collection, TRILITECH PLATFORM OÜ, “the for-profit arm of the Tezos foundation,” generated the NFTs. The Tezos Foundation has so given them permission to produce and market the English football team’s digital collection.

Manchester United’s second digital collectible release is the Devils collection. Each token has its own set of attributes and entitles the owner to exclusive AMAs, secret competitions, and other “surprises,” as well as exclusive airdrops. This would be the following phase of a more extensive collaboration between the team and Tezos.

Later today, Lucréce shared through his networks that he had received a response from Manchester United with the intention of coming to an arrangement owing to the community’s and Tezos’ support and that the club had not contacted him because of the holidays.

Many of his fans expressed their gratitude for the club’s response and praised the singer for handling the situation respectfully, which differs from how most people manage disputes on Twitter.

Lucréce included having dinner with Cristiano Ronaldo on his list of requests. Of course, this was a jest, but the artist later stated that “the subject was not brought up.” Almost as if it were averted. What will happen in this situation? Will he be given money in exchange for his services, or will he get his wish to have dinner with CR7?

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