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Promoting Bitcoin Partnership Between Deloitte and NYDIG

In order to make Bitcoin (BTC) a more attainable digital currency for everyone, a strategic partnership has been made between NYDIG and Deloitte, one of the big four firms.

Making Bitcoin (BTC) services accessible for companies of all sizes by using NYDIG’s technology is the goal of this partnership, according to Deloitte. Consulting and professional services of Deloitte will be the benefits that the companies who use the onboarding path offered by this collaboration will receive.

NYDIG will use Deloitte’s blockchain and digital assets practice across several domains, including bitcoin goods, such as banking, consumer loyalty, rewards programs, employee benefits, and more, as part of the agreement.

Increasing Bitcoin (BTC) and blockchain acceptance across the board is what Deloitte, a large accounting company, has been putting efforts in.

Cryptocurrencies, notably Bitcoin, have grown in popularity, despite the current bear market. A lot more people can benefit from the potential of decentralization from partnerships like this. The collaboration would be especially active in areas where compliance is critical in using digital currencies, according to Deloitte.

Yan Zhao, President of NYDIG, stated that they foresee a world in which traditional financial infrastructure collaborates with digital asset infrastructure to provide customers with a best-in-class experience while adhering to the highest regulatory compliance requirements.

Furthermore, he added that they have already begun the road of making Bitcoin (BTC) available to everyone by integrating Bitcoin (BTC) wallets into current user experiences, powering Bitcoin (BTC) incentive programs, and allowing bitcoin-secured lending.

Cryptocurrency holders may have required a place to spend their newly obtained coins as the number of enterprises accepting cryptocurrencies is growing rapidly. Addressing this urgent issue while also empowering enterprises to participate in the advancement of the growing virtual currency ecosystem is the purpose of this partnership between NYDIG and Deloitte.


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